Photo GalleryHabitat for HumanityLittle Italy Italian Heritage FestivalParadesPast Scholarship Awards2022 Scholarship Winners2021 Scholarship Winners2020 Scholarship Winners2019 Scholarship Winners2018 Scholarship WinnerArianna Glorioso, Isabella Stewart, Kiefer Iacaruso, Colin Diiorio, Jadyn Jeffers, and Taylor Mason (not shown)Anthony Cain, Angelina Mussini, Kaylee Siler, Sara Baldino, Taylor Mason, and Dillon CapalongoMark A Dardozzi Scholarship Winner: Kaylee SilerPast President Italo Liberatore Scholarship Winner: Joshua DiEdoardoPatricia Belcastro Scholarship Award Winner: Kaylee SilerGeneral Scholarship Award Winner: Madison KramerGeneral Scholarship Winner: Madelin McLeanGeneral Scholarship Winner: Zachary CooganGeneral Scholarship Winner: Jim SeubertHunter Vaughn, Kathryn Perrault, Sarah Harris, Alexandra Tomarchio, Cole FalkenstineJennifer Little, Tori Siler, Kevin Lingelbach, Sierra Smith, Allison Frick, and Duyen Bui (not shown)SARC Walk A MileTeam SIAB 2016Team SIAB 2018Team SIAB 2022